Avenue of the Arts Dental Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Why Use Organic Toothpaste

When someone chooses organic food over its non-organic counterpart, the reasons are generally very clear. That person hopes to make himself healthier and protect his body by reducing the number of chemicals he takes into his body. This makes complete sense. Then, why do we not consider this same factor when choosing our toothpaste brand?

Many toothpastes contain chemicals that are just as bad for your health as the foods you choose to avoid. When you brush your teeth, chemicals can be accidentally swallowed, but they are also absorbed into your skin. A few of the dangers that come from using non-organic toothpaste are canker sores, cancer, and renal failure.

Take a look at the chemicals that cause these problems:

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a detergent that causes the foaming action of many soaps, shampoos, and your toothpaste; without this key ingredient, those cleaners would lack their lather. Sodium lauryl sulfate is present in higher concentrations in industrial engine degreasers, car wash soaps, and floor cleaners. The chemical can cause skin irritation and lead to reoccurring canker sores – neither of which are very fun!

Sodium Fluoride is in both drinking water and toothpaste because it helps to strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of cavities. Besides that, it is a major component of insecticides, like rat poison. Water fluoridation does not have FDA approval, and, in larger quantities or constant exposure, it is dangerous. For children, it can cause mottling of the teeth. Fluoride can build up in your body and lead to bone problems, such as cancer, and can cause kidney and renal failure.

Triclosan is an antibacterial and anti-fungal agent added to toothpaste to reduce the risk of gingivitis. The chemical is also in deodorants, shaving creams, and cleaning supplies. Despite being in all of these commonly used products, Triclosan is actually under review by the FDA. The health concerns are numerous. Children exposed to the substance have increased development of allergies, it is a possible carcinogen, and it has very bad side effects on the environment.

These three chemicals are just a few of the ingredients in common toothpaste. Organic toothpaste is a safe alternative to regular toothpaste. Not only do they reduce or eliminate your exposure to dangerous chemicals like these, but they are also a step towards reducing your personal impact on the environment.

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